Sunday, October 3, 2010

KCK Challenge #1

I am very excited that KCK is having their first Challenge! Love the fact that they have papers that suit the customary wedding theme like having "Xi" incoporated in the papers :) was hunting around for papers to do my guest book and finally found it.

i have to apologize for the poor quality of photos as i did not have a chance to take a good photo of it on the actual day. Below are the first and last page of the guestbooks

They have a wide range of Glitter papers that suit all theme check it out Here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm so excited to find fellow Singaporean crafters! I'm new at all this weblog thing, would love to have you drop by some time at I will be sure to come by and see you often! :) THanks for sharing your projects! THey're great!
